Saturday, June 18, 2011

Somvati Amavasya - A rare occasion!

Earthlings are blessed with the holy occasion of Somvati Amavasya when an Amavasya (new moon) falls on a Somvaar (Monday). Hence, it is called Somvati Amavasya. It is a very rare occasion, in fact, it is so rare that Pandavas kept waiting for a Somvati Amavasya in their lifetime, but it didn't happen even once. This occasion is very holy according to Hindu texts.

(New moon) occurs when Moon is positioned between Earth and the Sun. This raises the importance of Moon as it comes in between Earth (us) and the Sun. So, it doubles the effect because Monday is already a day of Moon. And Moon being especially dear to Shivji, residing on his forehead, Somvati Amavasya becomes a once in a lifetime opportunity to get the blessings of Bhole Shankar (Lord Shiva).

So, on this day, get up early morning and take a dip, if possible in River Ganges, or a nearby river or stream. Get blessings of Shivji, Parvati and Tulsi. This day is also good for giving away food, clothes and cow for charity. Also worship a Sacred Fig (Peepal) tree on this day and try to do parikrama (circling) of the tree 108 times.

This special occasion is very beneficial for folks who are praying for kids, wealth, long life and to get rid of debt. To increase the benefits you can also fast on this day and pray for your wishes to come true!

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